Autumn Overland
The court poses for a photo in front of the Mason City High School sign. From left to right Savannah Davis, Javel Lee, Maggie Berding, Noah Honn, Janae Hansen, Gaige Younke, Miah Anderson, Jonathan Thangaraj, Celia Flores, Saul Morales, Joseline Juarez, and Brandt Haakenstad.
Ah, homecoming! It’s the time at the beginning of the school year when students can celebrate school pride, starting with picking the homecoming court. Seniors voted on the six king and queen candidates one week before Homecoming week. The entire student body will vote on a king and queen which will be announced at the pep rally and parade Friday, September 20th.
“I feel very excited and nervous,” says Celia Flores, a member of the queen’s court.
“I’m excited and it’s an exciting experience,” says Saul Morales, a member of the king’s court.
Among the queen’s court are Mia Anderson, Maggie Berding, Savannah Davis, Celia Flores, Janae Hansen, and Joseline Juarez. King’s Court candidates include Brandt Haakenstad, Noah Honn, Javel Lee, Saul Morales, Jonathan Thangaraj, and Gaige Younke.
Homecoming has been a tradition in America for more than a century, since 1911. When Laura Grommesh, Student Senate adviser, was asked how the court has changed over the years, she said, “It hasn’t, unfortunately, other than electronically, we used to have to hand count ballots.”
Homecoming is a week-long celebration that also includes a hallway-decorating contest, Powderpuff Football Game, and dress-up days. The festivities end with the annual football game against Charles City on Friday, and finally, the dance on Saturday night.