Nine Riverhawk girl wrestlers qualified for state in Friday’s 2A Regional Tournament in Mason City. Piper Phillips placed 1st at 100 lbs. Lila Sheehan placed first at 105 lbs. Carleigh Arjes placed first at 120 lbs. Kallie Gibbons placed first at 130 lbs. Aniyah Smith placed first at 235 lbs. Placing 2nd place was Ella Als at 110 lbs., Maddie Cornish at 115 lbs, Izzy Villarreal at 125 lbs and Damiyah Williams at 140 lbs.
They will wrestle this Thursday from 10:00 AM- 2:30 PM in XStream Arena located in Coralville. Semi-finals and Championship rounds take place on Friday.
A pep bus is taking students to the first session of the state meet on Thursday morning. It leaves at 7am. Students need to purchase a ticket to the event before they board. Sign up in the main office. Cost $13.