Dungeons & Dragons is starting off strong with nine members attending the first meeting of the year, and is always open to more joining.
D&D is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game originally created in 1974. It allows players to create their own characters, with their own special abilities. One player will typically take on the role of the “dungeon master,” and the rest of the players go through the game-fighting “monsters,” all while the dungeon master controls the overall storyline of the game.
D&D has recently seen a resurgence, at MCHS as a club, beginning last year. It is headed by Daniel Thompson, who is also the conductor of the school’s orchestra.
“It’s really a place for students to hang out, not a club about sports or anything,” Thompson says. “It has grown from last year, and it’s gotten freshman to have a club to be able to join.”
Thompson says junior Dean Rewerts was the student to approach him about creating the club.
Another member, Junior Jace Fetter, is helping get the word out about D&D. He posted flyers around the hallways of the school.

When asked about what he likes about the club, Fetter said, “Creativity. I love being creative.”
Other attendees agree that it is just an opportunity to hang out with their friends after school, with some D&D on the side.
“This is easily the most chaotic club” says junior Joseph Dunbar.
D&D club meets after school on Thursdays from 3:40-5:00 in the cafeteria.