The MCHS Academic Decathlon team is attending the state competition in Waterloo this week.
“This is amazing, it just shows how much hard work we’ve put into this,” says sophomore Kai Tietz.
“I feel excited and also somewhat nervous,” said senior Ryleigh Penn. “I’ve been overcoming difficulties by trying to relax and focus as much as I can on doing my best.”
Academic Decathlon competes against other schools on an academic level. Each year USAD has a new theme that decathletes study and explore. This year’s theme is climate change. Decathletes study college-level materials beginning in the fall and they cover how the subject impacts ten different categories including art, economics, and math. There is also a public speaking category to push their limits.
“I struggle with talking to people. But I still have fun with it,” says Tietz.
Tietz is among the new members. She studied hard and placed first in five tests for the regionals large school varsity division: Literature, Science, Social Science, Economics, and Music.

“Coming in first place was definitely a surprise, but it made me certain that I should stick with this until I graduate,” said Tietz, “When my name was called up, I could not believe I had won first place—I was certain someone else would receive the title.”
Coach Allia Yarrow took the team to the National Competition in Pittsburg last year for the first time. She says they have a strategy for doing well at the state meet.
“This is the school’s strongest team,” said Yarrow, “We look at the regional scores to prepare them to see which ones they could move realistically,” said Yarrow.
Yarrow also explains how if someone is struggling with one thing they will all work together to focus on it and improve on the subject together.
The Academic Decathlon State Competition is taking place at Waterloo East High School Friday and Saturday. Winners will move on to nationals which are in Des Moines in May.