AP Government students returned to classes Tuesday after flying home from their trip to Washington D.C. to see the Presidential Inauguration of Donald J. Trump.
John Lee, the AP Government teacher at the high school, takes this historical trip every four years, each time bringing with him a group of students from his AP class.
Due to the cold weather, the inauguration had to be moved indoors, and the class was not able to get tickets to the indoor ceremony. They instead watched from their hotel with a hotel watch party.
“It was disappointing but we made the most of it by being able to discuss topics and the presidential speech itself,” said Olivia Wickman, a senior on the trip.
Chloe Broers, another senior on the trip, added, “It was amazing to see Trump get inaugurated, especially knowing how close we were to the Capital.”
Wickman and her peers still enjoyed a personalized tour of the capital given by MCHS alumni Quinn Slaven (‘14), who is now working as Communications director for Republican Congressman Brad Knott out of North Carolina.
“Along with the impressive tour, he taught us about the different jobs offered throughout the capital,” said Wickman.
Brandt Haakenstad, also a senior, added, “It was great to get a behind-the-scenes look at stuff that you don’t typically see on normal guided tours.”
The students say they also enjoyed the opportunity to meet Iowa’s Republican leaders Congresswoman Ashley Hinson (IA-2) and Governor Kim Reynolds.

“It was inspiring to connect with leaders shaping Iowa’s future,” said Wickman.
“They were very nice and happy to see high schoolers show an interest in government,” said Haakenstad.
Senior Jonathan Thangaraj said, “[I] was shocked by how close we actually were to a major political figure.”
Students also enjoyed getting to see national landmarks in person. “The highlight of the trip for me was being able to see pieces of history that I have only ever seen in school textbooks,” said Broers. “We have had lessons in class over the historical monuments and buildings, but to see them in person is an amazing experience.”
Haakenstad agreed, saying, “It was very interesting to learn about the symbolism and stories behind all the monuments and museums that we saw.”
Just a few of the monuments visited included the Museum of African American Hstory, Arlington National Cemetery, the WWII Memorial, Mount Vernon, the Supreme Court Building, the Museum of Natural History, and the 9-11 Memorial at the Pentagon.